New Student Information


  1. Accept Offer to Penn State
  2. Participate
  3. Sign up for eRefund
  4. Grant Access to your Student Account 
  5. Paying Your Student Account Statement (bill)
  6. College Saving Plans (529 Plans)
  7. External Awards

Accept Offer to Penn State

Accepting your Offer

  • To accept your offer of admission and pay your acceptance fees, login to your MyPennState account.
  • 你与财务处的第一次联系将在你接受十大网投平台信誉排行榜的录取之后.

Deposit Information

  • In addition to the enrollment fee, 所有攻读学位的本科生都必须支付普通押金.
  • 如果你住在大学宿舍,你还需要支付住房押金.
  • 住房押金适用于学生的第一次食宿费,普通押金适用于学生的第一次学费.


在新生培训(NSO)中,获得PSU ID+卡,并激活您的访问帐户

New Student Orientation

新生迎新(NSO)是所有一年级学生的必修课,转学生可选. NSO是学生接受录取通知后的第一步. 夏季和秋季入学的NSO程序在3月开始,春季入学的NSO程序在11月开始. 有关您的NSO信息将在您接受录取通知后的一个工作日通过电子邮件发送.


During NSO, you’ll learn about joining the Penn State community, meet other students, meet with an adviser to discuss your academic goals, and schedule your classes. You'll learn more about your Penn State id+ Card, including instructions on how to upload a photo for your card. As part of NSO, your Penn State email will be activated, and you'll learn how to access it to send and receive emails. Important information from the Office of the Bursar, as well as other departments, will be communicated to you via e-mail. Be sure to check your Penn State email regularly. 

Please note: 以上关于NSO的信息是一般性的,可能并不适用于每个学生. 更详细的具体信息将在适当的时候单独传达给每个学生. For more information, visit the NSO website at:

To watch the Bursar's NSO video, click here

Sign up for eRefund

Instructions for Signing up for eRefund

如果您的账户上有余额,将会退还给您. eRefund是收到学生退款最快、最方便的方式. To enroll in eRefund:

  1. Log in to your Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. 选择“管理我的帐户/付款”进入学生帐户仪表板
  4. 向下滚动概览页面,在“注册直接存款退款”处单击“注册”!”
  5. 同意电子版《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》,并按“继续”
  6. Complete the information requested


Grant Access to your Student Account 

Authorized Payer Access

You can grant access to Authorized Payers in LionPATH, to enable them to view and pay the Student Account Statement, enroll in the Installment Payment Plan, and access IRS Form 1098-T. After you grant access, a user ID, temporary password, and login link will be sent to the Authorized Payer. Please note this is in ADDITION 到您可能已经通过LionPATH授予的学术信息的授权访问权限. To grant Authorized Payer access, please follow these steps:

  1. Students: Log in to your Studet Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. 选择“管理我的帐户/付款”进入学生帐户仪表板
  4. 向下滚动概览页面,点击“发送付费邀请”
  5. 填写授权付款人所需的资料,然后按“发送邀请”. 您的授权付款人将收到一封包含授权用户和临时密码的电子邮件, and a link to log in to the student account.

Paying Your Student Account Statement 

When will I get a Tuition Statement?

  • 您将通过十大网投平台信誉排行榜的电子邮件帐户收到通知,您的学生帐户对账单可以在LionPATH上查看/支付. 当学生帐户对账单可用时,您帐户上的任何授权付款人也将通过电子邮件通知.
  • Student Account Statements are prepared on a monthly basis. Billing begins in early August for fall semester, January for spring semester, and May for summer semester. 然而,这可能会根据上课的时间略有不同. 秋季和春季学期的第一次账单应在常规增删期之后支付, all other monthly statements are due by the 22nd of the month. The payment due dates are noted in the Student Account Statement.  Residence hall charges are included, if applicable.
  • More billing information is available at: Paying your Statement.


  • 你的学生账户对账单上的“预期学生经济援助细节”部分显示了你目前已知的可用援助. 如果你有额外的奖学金、助学金或贷款,请参考 Financial Aid and Your Bill for information . LionPATH上的学生账户报表将反映在报表准备时可用的当前信息.

How can I pay my Student Account Statement?

  • Electronic payment options are available on LionPATH. eccheck选项是一种快速方便的方法,可以直接从个人支票账户支付学生账户账单. There is no charge to pay by eCheck. 你也可以用信用卡支付(Visa, MasterCard, Discover或American Express). A 2.25% service fee applies to all payments made by credit card online. We cannot accept credit card payments by mail, phone or in person.

  • If you wish to mail a check, 您可以打印LionPATH的汇款存根,并将其与付款一起邮寄到十大网投平台信誉排行榜. 您的付款必须在账单到期日之前记入账户,以避免出现1.5 % late fee (assessed on the total outstanding balance due). 付款后请预留时间处理(5-7天).

College Savings Plans (529 Plans)

Tax-advantaged savings plans

许多财务顾问都认为529计划是家庭为大学储蓄的最佳方式之一. 全国各地的许多家庭都发现,使用大学储蓄计划支付大学学费比以往任何时候都更有意义. All 50 states now offer these college savings plans.

建立和退出计划的具体要求因州而异, so please check with your state or visit for links to information for all the state plans.

Pay for Current Semester Expenses:  PA 529账户的捐款可以从宾夕法尼亚州的应税收入中扣除(在一定范围内). 通过将家庭打算用于支付本学期费用的资金存入PA 529账户,然后从PA 529中支付符合条件的费用, a family can save 3.07% (the current PA income tax rate) on their expenses. There is no time limit to qualify for a Pennsylvania tax deduction; however, 请注意,供款和提款的处理时间可能需要几个星期. Contributions of up to $14,000 per beneficiary per year (up to $28,000 per couple) are deductible from Pennsylvania income tax. 欲了解更多有关pa529计划的信息,请致电800-440-4000.

External Awards

If you are receiving a scholarship

Organizations, 机构和捐助者为表现出学习成绩或符合其他特定资格标准的学生提供奖学金机会. The entity awarding the scholarship, not 十大网投平台信誉排行榜负责选择候选人并确定奖项的价值.

For more information on outside scholarships, click here.